Education for a Changing World

Education’s primary goal is to prepare young people for success in adult life. Our mid-21st century world has seen changes that no one would have envisaged even twenty years ago and education must respond to provide what students need.

  • Education Yesterday and Today

  • Education for Our Times

    Education is not static; it evolves with societal changes. An awareness of the forces that have shaped public education historically, together with an understanding of the multiple factors that influence education today, are needed to empower all stakeholders to continue to adapt and improve our educational systems.

  • Education and the World of Work

    Education isn’t just about textbooks and classrooms. From coding to communication skills, at its best education equips learners with the tools needed to thrive in the job market as well as in other aspects of life.

  • Communities, Schools and Teachers

    Communities, schools and teachers all affect students’ educational experiences. In the best case, each of these entities and individuals would work together to support all students to reach their full potential.

  • Technology and Education

    Today, technology is ubiquitous, touching almost every aspect of day-to-day life, including education. How can schools and teachers integrate technology into the classroom to enhance learning?

  • Right Use of Testing

    Many people have an almost instinctive aversion standardized testing. However, like many issues that generate strong reactions, the issues involved are complex.

  • Unlocking Potential: Nurturing Young Minds in Early Childhood

    Early childhood is a remarkable developmental phase. Young children’s brains develop at an astonishing rate, rapidly forging new connections as they engage with the world. Parents, preschool teachers, and caregivers play a pivotal role, providing the stimuli that ignite these neural pathways. But what strategies create a solid foundation to support children as they grow and explore the world?

  • Challenges and Opportunities

  • The Way Forward

    Unlocking the full potential of education demands more than just imparting knowledge. In an ever-changing world, it requires nurturing analytical thinking, curiosity, and self-awareness in every child.

  • You CAN Get There from Here

    Education holds transformative power when it takes into account diverse learners’ needs, bridging gaps, and empowering individuals and communities alike. Educators strive to meet learners where they are and are inspired by stories of intrepid learners who overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles on their educational journeys.

  • Can Schools Improve?

    Few would disagree that access to public education is a good thing, but many would argue that we can do better. Study of successful educational systems can offer valuable insights.

  • Adolescence: Challenges and Opportunities

    During adolescence, bodily changes are apparent; equally significant but less obvious are transformations in the brain. Cognitive abilities expand, risk and reward centers become increasingly important, and self-regulation may be challenging. Peers wield considerable influence, while the impact of teachers and other adults may diminish. Empowering experiences, mentoring, real-world challenges, and stimulating education can help adolescents transition into a healthy adulthood.

  • Education in the Developing World

    Education is a powerful catalyst for change. Education can help lift people out of poverty, enhance health, and transform attitudes by providing essential life skills. All children deserve access to quality education, regardless of wealth or gender. Technology can improve access, but it must be implemented thoughtfully. What steps are needed to realize the promise of education in the developing world?