Race and Ethnicity

The Human Journey Library»  Race and Ethnicity

Race and Ethnicity

An Anthropological Focus on the United States and the World

By Raymond Scupin

Covering basic concepts and research, this book presents state of the art, highly readable essays on both the theoretical issues and empirical studies of race and ethnicity in the U.S. and throughout the world. It introduces the concepts of race, the fallacies of scientific racism, and theoretical perspectives on ethnicity—followed by fourteen chapters that share the empirical findings of anthropologists on race and ethnicity in the U.S. and the world. For individuals interested in getting a global perspective on race and ethnic relations, and reducing some of the superficial media-based characterizations and representations of race and ethnic issues throughout the world.

Raymond Scupin is Professor of Anthropology and International Studies at Lindenwood University. His research interests include Asia, Islam, religion, race and ethnicity issues, and political economy. He has done ethnographic research in Thailand and among American Indians in California. Recent publications include Cultural Anthropology: A Global Perspective and Religion and Culture: An Anthropological Focus, both published by Prentice Hall.

Category: Genetics and Human Evolution
Subjects: ethnicity, human societies, race

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