Where There Is No Doctor

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Where There Is No Doctor

A Village Health Care Handbook

By David Werner, Carol Thuman & Jane Maxwell

Hesperian’s classic manual, Where There Is No Doctor, is arguably the most widely-used health care manual in the world.

Useful for health workers, clinicians, and others involved in primary health care delivery and health promotion programs, with millions of copies in print in more than 75 languages, the manual provides practical, easily understood information on how to diagnose, treat, and prevent common diseases. Special attention is focused on nutrition, infection and disease prevention, and diagnostic techniques as primary ways to prevent and treat health problems.

“The Hesperian Foundation has been selling (this) Third World medical manual at a brisk pace for more than 25 years…(This) classic public-health text has meant survival for thousands in the Third World since the early 1970s, according to officials from the World Health Organization and the U.S. Peace Corps…it stands as arguably the most widely use public-health manual in the world, according to WHO…WHO officials noted that since 1978, it, too, has adopted the kind of community-based approach to health care exemplified by (Where There Is No Doctor). Both WHO and UNICEF now buy (the book) for their field offices…“ —Monica Eng, Chicago Tribune

“I consider Where There Is No Doctor my health bible. I carry it with me on every trip I take, and refer to it often. The information provided in this book is simple, straight forward, and easy to read. I would highly recommend that any person planning to serve overseas have a personal copy for reference.“ —Anita Good, Mennonite Central Committee, Honduras

“Where There Is No Doctor is an indispensable resource…This book has been, quite literally, a lifesaver for the poor even where there is a doctor.“ —Paul Farmer, Harvard Medical School; Co-Founder, Partners in Health

“Home health care manuals are a dime a dozen, but this one is in a league by itself…This amazing manual…successfully brings together modern concepts of public health and personal health care into a usable and understandable format for the Third World villager. If you are a physician, dentist or nurse planning to volunteer on a medical mercy mission, review this book ahead of time and take it with you.“ —Annals of Internal Medicine, vol. 125, no.12

Category: Health
Subjects: health care

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