The Human Journey is the story of the human mind, how it developed, the world it made, and the problems it solved. The future depends on what we learn of the past… Read more
Travel the Journey
Avenues to Explore

Equal Inheritance
The erotic and peaceable bonobo might offer a fresh way of thinking about our true ancestry.

Climate Change
We started it and we can stop it. What stands in the way of our collective will to change course?

Debt, Trust and Money
We all think we know about money. But do we understand what money actually is, and what it represents?

The Journey of Greek Ideas
Classical Greek ideas and culture are considered the foundation of Western civilization, but the journey from Athens to the Renaissance was more complex than is traditionally understood.

Who’s Like Me?
We are born with the ability to judge who is “like me” and who isn’t – so is racism innate? The answer may surprise you.

Emotion or Reason?
You see an oncoming trolley about to strike and kill five workers. The only way to save them is to push another person onto the tracks to stop the trolley. Would you do it?