The Human Journey Library» Harappan Civilization

Harappan Civilization
by Gregory L. Possehl
This text brings together the work of the world’s experts on ancient India’s earliest cities in the Indus Valley in 43 chapters, covering the nature of Harappan urbanization, fieldwork results, ecology, technology and trade.
Category: Paleolithic Beginnings
Subjects: Harappa, history, Indus Valley
“Gregory Louis Possehl (July 21, 1941 – October 8, 2011) was a Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania and curator of the Asian Collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. He has been involved in excavations of the Indus Valley Civilization in India and Pakistan since 1964, and is an author of many books and articles on the Indus Civilization and related topics.“ —Wikipedia
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