Myth, Magic, and Morals

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Myth, Magic, and Morals

By Fred Cornwallis Conybeare

It might be argued that evil among men is their own fault. But let Professor Sanday become a biologist and study the natural history of insects and parasitic organisms; and I question if his belief in the love and goodness of an omni potent author of nature will not be rudely put to the test. But if we reject the first article of the creeds which runs, I believe in one God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible, then we reject monistic theism. There is, as I was careful to point out, plenty of room left in the universe for loving spirits, but not for omnipotent ones.

“Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare, FBA (September 14, 1856 – January, 9 1924) was a British orientalist, Fellow of University College, Oxford, and Professor of Theology at the University of Oxford.“ —Wikipedia

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