Field Notes
Blog dispatches from our younger contributors featuring news, notable developments, personal insights and reviews on the topics we cover.
Perception of Colors—and the Words We Use to Describe Them
The way in which different cultures describe and classify colors reveals differences in how they perceive the world. It also might help us navigate the increasingly polarized nature of our conversations, globally, into the future.Read more
China's 2060 Carbon Neutrality Goal: An Unrealistic Dream?
China is by far the world’s leader in generating renewable energy, beating out the United States and the EU combined. But given its increasing reliance on coal, is its pledge to be carbon neutral by 2060 realistic?Read more
Tropical Cyclones in a Warming World
As hurricanes and typhoons appear to be strengthening, the question of how to better prepare for them becomes more pressing. Archie O’Shaughnessy suggests an update to the current storm classification system.Read more
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