The Human Journey Library  »  Ideas that Shaped Our Modern World

Ideas that Shaped Our Modern World

Paleolithic Beginnings

Jean Bottéro
1177 B.C.
Eric H. Cline
The Shamans of Prehistory
Jean Clottes & David Lewis-Williams
Myths from Mesopotamia
Stephanie Dalley
Secret Societies
Arkon Daraul
The Treasures of Darkness
Thorkild Jacobsen
Art and Human Development
Constance Milbrath and Cynthis Lightfoot
Thoughtful Foragers
Steven J. Mithen
Religions of the Axial Age
Prof. Mark W. Muesse
Mike Parker Pearson et al.
Harappan Civilization
Gregory L. Possehl
Plato Prehistorian
Mary Settegast
Secrets of the Sands
Harry Thurston
The Mind in the Cave
David Lewis Williams
Inside the Neolithic Mind
David Lewis-Williams & David Pearce

Connecting with the Gods

Axial Age Thought

Mary Boyce
The Bible Unearthed
Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman
The Upanishads
Hindu Texts
Religions of the Axial Age
Prof. Mark W. Muesse
Ancient China Simplified
Edward Harper Parker
Divine Harmony
John Strohmeier & Peter Westbrook
Modes of Religiosity
Harvey Whitehouse
Michael Winkelman

Origins of Christianity

Origins of Islam

The Journey of Classical Greek Knowledge to the Western World

Stories and Storytelling

Louder than Words
Benjamin K. Bergen
How Language Began
Daniel L. Everett
Angus Fletcher
God 4.0
Robert Ornstein with Sally M. Ornstein
The Sufis
Idries Shah
World Tales
Idries Shah

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