The Pursuit of Health

Throughout human history, improved health and life expectancy have resulted more from safer environments (sanitation and clean water), better nutrition, and our inherent healing capacities than to advances in medical care when we get sick. How can we tap into this understanding to ensure a better future for us all?

  • What Causes Health

    Some 95% of the trillions of dollars the US spends on health care goes to direct medical services and just 5% to population-wide approaches to health improvement.

  • Who Provides Care

    While we tend to think of medical professionals as the providers of health care, in reality the vast majority of all care is provided by people for themselves and their families.

  • Self-Managing Chronic Disease

    Four out of five people over the age of 65 have one or more chronic conditions.

  • Mind and Health

    Psychosocial factors play a major role in who gets sick, the course of their illness, as well as recovery.