Paleolithic Beginnings

The desire to cultivate a sense of the transcendent began the moment we became modern man. From about 40 – 35,000 years ago, our ancestors first began to conceive of a tiered cosmos – a spirit world above and in the underworld below; and the mortal world.  Deep within the caves of the mortal world they devised rituals to transcend and engage the spirit world β€” an idea that has been with us ever since.

  • Becoming Human

    During the Paleolithic era, Cro-Magnon’s artistic expression reached a critical mass as seen in cave paintings all over Europe, Asia, Siberia, Australia and Africa

  • Creativity in Response to Crisis

    The most intense artistic activity happened just as the Ice Age reached its most severe (approximately 40,000–15,000 years ago), then about 10,000 years ago, it virtually disappeared as the Ice Age finally ended. Why were these sites selected ⏀ how did these amazing images on cave walls function to help our ancestors survive their challenging situation?

  • Connecting with the Spirit World

    Many images were likely created as part of a ritual that took place in the caves in which our ancestors re-created and re-worked their out-of-body visions.Β 

  • The Use of Sound in Caves

    Echoes were very likely understood to be the voices of spirits. Their reverberating sound appeared to come from deep inside the cave walls, themselves thought to be a portal to the spirit world.

  • The Neurophysiology of the Trance State and Our Concept of a Three-Tiered Cosmos

    Throughout the world, Shamanic vision journeys display a similar pattern that cannot be accounted by communication or migration.