Moral Tribes

Featured Book Moral Tribes Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them Joshua D. GreenePaperback edition 2014 We live in an age of historically declining violence and expanding kindness. But it doesn’t feel like that to most of us. Unprecedented global threats and conflicts demand advances in our ability to coexist peacefully. Joshua D. … Continue reading Moral Tribes

Our Predictive Brain

“There is a constant give-and-take in which what we experience reflects not just what the world is currently telling us, but what we — consciously or non-consciously — were expecting it to be telling us.”— Andy Clark, The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality Robert Ornstein, PhD; David Sobel, MD, MPH; and Sally … Continue reading Our Predictive Brain

Religious Life

Like other pre-Axial cultures, Greeks believed in a pantheon of Gods who presided over every aspect of life and nature. By Sally MallamContributing Write As in other cultures, the development of Greek religion focused around those aspects of Greek life that were of primary importance, for the Greeks it was the resolution of conflict or statis, … Continue reading Religious Life

The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change

Featured Book The Future Six Drivers of Global Change Al GorePaperback edition 2013 The global economy, a global “mind” powered by the internet, a shifting global power structure, unsustainable growth, breakthroughs in life sciences and the threats to our ecological foundations are converging to present an unprecedented challenge and opportunity. Can we muster the collective … Continue reading The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change